Wednesday, May 31, 2006


There's this Malay song that I used to sing back in YP years ago. " Ada waktunya berkerja, ada waktunya berencana, ada waktu bersenang dan waktu bercanda, Tapi waktu itu singkat dan keabadian itu panjang, waktu sekarang takkan berulang." I've always enjoyed singing the song because it often speaks well of the situation that I am in. Truly, there's time for everything. Time to rest, time to play, time to work and these times will not be repeated. They come and go.
I recently read a post of a friend who has finally decided to transfer campus, leave and continue in another place. It was a difficult decision for her, but having to make that, it was even more dificult to pack up and leave. This reminded me of me, here in Notts. I have grown to love this place dearly, a huge part of it was because of the wonderful folks I met here.

Today marks the last day of my examinations. I have now completed my degree. Phew..How does it feel? Nothing really. I have a friend who said that his life has become so aimless now. What do we do now? Haha...Another friend put it this way, "I'm feeling empty, lonely and cold" How true....Yesterday saw us pushing through whatever we could still remember into our brains and staying up till wee hours to study. And after that 9 o'clock paper today, everything was supposed to come to an end, well, except for the oral exams this friday..anyway, a weird feeling swept through me. What do I do now?

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