Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I was thinking

This is a serious attempt to revive this blog. Haha..It's been dead for some months now. Darsh told me she gave up reading my blog because I never update it. My only excuse is that I've had my hands full on other things, work, family, church...Soemtimes, after working for a good 10 hours, you wouldnt want to face the computer anymore when you reach home.
Anyway..Much has happened during these absence. I've had my prayers answered, there were breakthroughs in my family, some major accident nearly wreaked my family apart, insight to the reality of human evil-ness, power of tongues and weakness of the heart when it comes to emotions. I've also experienced the goodness of our's been wonderful.
To start off, work hasnt been very interesting. To a point, it's becoming draggy. I was once very sure that this is where God wants me to be and with Him leading me here, I'm prepared to stay to learn but I am not sure till when. I need to revive my spiritual life as well, I need to pick up on reading the bible every night.
My family was involved in a major accident last Saturday. They were coming down from Ipoh and soon, it began to rain and puddles of water were on the road. Needless to say, they skidded on the road, hit the divider and turned and spinned before landing on the emergency lane. Thankfully, God has really been gracious to this family. They all escaped unhurt. With no visible serious injuries. Went for check-ups and thank God that they did not sustain any internal injuries as well. It's really my prayer and I hope it would be yours aswell even as you read this that it would be an opening to a soul searching experience for each one of them as they pass from that valley of death. God has truly held each one of them closely and that none were lost. Havent had the opportunity to see the wreakage and could only imagined. But mum said it was really bad.
Side tracked, had a sleepover in my house that day with a few close friends. Been so long since we caught up. And it was so good to hear from them. One related matters of the heart and as exciting as it sounds to me, it also dawns upon me the reality of temptations and how weak our body can be. It's undeniably true that feelings can be very over powering. Especially when you've been showered with so much attention. This dear sister pointed out one bit," Non-believers accept me better than Christian brothers."
I paused and thought, that was very true. It's such a shame that we who belong to the family of God feel unbelonged within our family. With no fingers pointing anywhere, it's good for us to pause and think. I was brought up in a way where unequally yoked relationships will never work. I dont deny that there are some successful ones where one partner eventually embraced Christ and both grew very strongly. But there must be a reason why God put that verse in Corinthians to remind us not to be unequally yoked. Since I came out to work, my circle of friends are mostly non-believers. It's been a real blessing having these friends around. We clicked well, we enjoyed doing things together. We shared stories, experiences, gossips..With the guys in the group being attached (which helped greatly because it would mean totally out of the consideration), I couldnt help but thought that they guys are really more interesting people. Comparing with the guys I see in church. Perhaps it was different up bringing, family background. There's this sense of maturity that I dont find among the already scared population of eligible males in church.
Thankfully however, I have a group of wonderful and close cliques of girlfriends who stand by the same principles as me. God say." Do not be unequally yoked." Therefore, I shall no be unequally yoked. I trust that God would honour this obedience as He has honoured so many before. As for this sister, it is truly my prayer that you would seek His will above all and as you strive to obey Him, He would honour you in return.We just need to stand by faith and with each other in this case (which I have no doubt we would stand by each other)
Breakthroughs in my family. My parents finally went to listen to a chinese testimony and gospel in a church in KL. I had always wondered how would God speak to my dad and indeed, He has opened a door just yet, in His perfect timing! I pray and hope that God would continually working miracles within this family and that we would all come to the knowledge of His saving grace.