Monday, May 08, 2006

The wrecked-up lifestyle

I'm finally breathing normally again. The past few weeks have been crazy, a huge part was because of my own laziness and procrastination for not doing my design project consistently. The remaining reasons was the project itself. It's such a huge project and it carries so much weightage! I just cant believe how lop-sided the weightage is. It stressed so much on the individual part which revolves just around one freaking equipment! I find it so unbelievable.

Oh anyway..the whole project was handed in on Tuesday and the remaining summary on friday. I'm really finally breathing properly again. I am eating and sleeping properly too. My normal lifestyle is finally resumed.

It has been a good experience. I love the group that I was in. I'm ever thankful for my mates. Despite some minute unpleasant happenings at the end, it was all right. I love working with yanni so much. She's such an incredible friend. Besides being extra intelligent and brainful, she has taught me much. I learnt what generousity is. I learnt what maturity is. I learnt what kindness really is. It reaffirms my coming over here. God indeed is mindful over me. He knew exactly what will happen and He brought me over here for a reason. I often thought, if He has sent me to Sheffield instead, how would it be like? I didnt have to consider that. What's happening here is far too good. I wouldnt trade this experience here for anything else..Anything at all.

Thank you Lord.

Talking about design project. My life was thrown off course for the last two weeks. Everything just went upside down. Tornado came and swept my room, forming swirls of papers around my seat. I had to tip toe in my room. Clothes piled up. My body system was messed up. I didnt have time to eat. I couldnt sleep. I was zombified for the last few days. My brain slowed down. My retardedness surfaced. Meira just couldnt stop teasing me. She just couldnt stand talking to me because she has to repeat everything she says. There came to a point that jokes turns dry because I just couldnt get it. Everything slowed down though somehow I felt that time did hop faster.

Despite all the slowness, something else sped up. I got closer to many of my coursemates. The process which would usually take ages suddenly sped up. Interaction opportunities doubled, tripled. You would, I guess if you spend long period in the lab typing furiously, trying to complete the never-ending work. You share the anxiety, the worries, the grumbles, the unrest, the tiredness, the crankiness..all..Nothing could be traded for these, not with a million dollars..Looking back, it was a period worth going through for. Nothing can beat that.

I would miss these times when I return home. I would miss them. I would probably miss my lack-of-sleep ness and everything else that comes with it. I would miss the walking-back-at-four-am-thing. I would miss the wrecked-up-lifestyle, the wrecked-up appetite, the wrecked-up sleeping hours.

I really would...


Anonymous said...

its univeristy life... happens once in your life and one of the best moments in life...

oyling said...

I couldnt agree more!

JiAMuN said...

you looked at things so differently and i marvelled at the prespective you looked at it, just couldn't Thank God for all He is huh? Take care..

oyling said...

Perspective is important because it dictates what kind of person you really are. Just as if you would look at a cup of water and say it's half full or half empty. Simply thoughts like these are all it takes to change the way you think.

oyling said...

Oh Fei, the experience of being here has taught me much. Something I would defitnitely bring back with me.

JiAMuN said...

I'm happy you learnt much about life in your course of studies. To me, life's not the same anymore. Let's put it this way, i realised that life is really not a bed of roses and the struggle with the flesh so clear as I get older..

Well, life's really a valuable experience.. it test us to the maximum..