Friday, August 26, 2005


I felt a tug on my arm. I was jolted from sinking deeper into my thoughts. "Hey, what are you staring at? Not nice to stare," I heard her whispering. She has just saved me from what would have be an embarrassing moment of ignorance. I was looking at some folks around me without realising that I was actually staring at them.

I always have this problem. No..I wouldn't call it a problem. I just love watching people around me. I wouldn't deem myself as observant but I enjoy bird-watching. I could sit down by myself on a bench in a park and just watch the going-ons around me. Everywhere in fact. It was also relaxing to lie on a lazy chair on the beach and just look around. There are a lot of details that people overlook when they rush through their routines. Because I commute by train everyday to and from work, I had a lot of seeing to do.

There are actually a lot of interesting things to see. For one, I was in Sentral waiting for the Seremban train to arrive when this young couple came and stood behind me. They were fairly young, 18 years old perhaps. The guy was short but pleasant looking. The girl looks young and pretty naive. Nothing interesting about them until it caught my eye. The boy just couldn't get his hands off her. How inappropriate!

Before long, the train came and we pushed our way into the stomach of the train. I managed to get a seat while scores of people continue in their bid of cramming into the train. Finally, the alarm buzzed and the door slammed to shut. The young couple disappeared from my view.

Another familar looking lady came into my view. She's a humble yet elegant looking young lady. In her twenties perhaps. Poised, simple and yet, she has this exquisite aura about her. Hair hung loose from her shoulder. Clothes neatly worn. A simple, pleasant person. (Forgive me if I sounded like a stalker. I'm not..just observant)

People tend to pick things up when they take time to observe their surrounding. But in our busy world today, people just rush in into their daily routine and often lose sight of what it is all about..Imagine rushing through 40 years of your life and when you are 60 and retired, you look back and realised that you have not achieved much because you were too busy doing what the world sets and mould you to do. At the end of the day, you suddenly realised that you have totally missed the point. tragic..I hope that doesn't happen..

Take time to smell the friends..

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