Having a friend over from Zhongshan, a few of us drove up to Langkawi. Stayed by the beach and this dear friend was worried if tsunami would come and sweep us away into the sea when dawn comes. Haha...Perfectly understandable I guess when you just left the typhoons behind in your country!
Ate much, tried much local food, ventured deep into the villages in search of cheaper seafood and authentic cuisine, we werent disappointed. Started off in KL, then to Ipoh, Langkawi, Bukit Tambun...wow..we all should have more similar road trips!

After that was off to Camerons. The track up to Camerons never fails to set my stomach spinning and push the liquid in my eardrums off balance. Was glad to say I kept the digested food inside my stomach and not out onto John's car. This camp was really a very refreshing one. The messages were plain and clear and they hit me right in the heart. I was struggling in the beginning to get into the mood of camp bacause I have been so worried bout work. I didnt realise how much work has eaten into my life until that point. I cant believe it myself. The first two days were great struggle. The messages werent getting through and I was not listening. I prayed and when they finally got through, I broke down and cried. Emotionally distressed and more tears, God was listening.
God saw through my heart and I was comforted that He knew what were bothering me. Truly, matters of the heart are always most tangled. No wonder it says in Ecclesiates that let not our hearts be aroused until it is ready. God, may you guard our hearts and emotions until it's time.
As more episodes enfold, I pray that may we be kept close to our Lord and every corners of our hearts be searched that God may truly be our first love and to remain as our first even after earthly attachments.
As more episodes enfold, I pray that may we be kept close to our Lord and every corners of our hearts be searched that God may truly be our first love and to remain as our first even after earthly attachments.
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