July 14 marks one of the most important days of my life, to date at least. My graduation day. I graduated from University of Nottingham with a Bachelor (Honours) in Chemical Engineering. How does that sound? Haha...Pride aside.
I dont really know what kind of impact was that special day supposed to impart on me. But I know what it means to my parents and family. To mum and dad, it was probably the day they longed to see for years. I wasnt the first to graduate in the family but I'm sure it brings about different feelings each time when one of us graduate. For me, it spelled hardwork and loads of money to send me here. At that particular moment when my name was called, I went numb for a moment. As I walked (stomped, according to my sister) across the stage to shake hands with the Chancellor, all I had in mind was to walk properly and watched my gown to prevent tripping over and make myself the biggest joke in the ceremony. As I hold the certificate in my hands and read the combinations of letters spilled across the paper, I thought to myself, "Is this it?"
In my seat, I read the certificate again and again, took Yanni's and read hers over and over again. What does this mean? Then suddenly, it finally dawned upon me that all my hardwork for the past three years is spelled in those words, "This is to certify that Oy Ling Look has completed ......with a Second Division, Upper Class"

Overall, it was a good day. I could see that mum and dad were proud of me, I know to a certain extend the sacrifice they made to bring me here. I wished my whole family were here. As I showed Ge the cert, I wished Jie was here too. They have been my role models and I want them to know that. The unspoken support they gave were overwhelming. I have kept the tradition and followed the path. I wanted to show both Ling and Yen that they too can be where we are now. It is definitely achievable. I know the silent pressure they felt to perform and I'm sorry they were succumb to such unnecessary pressure.
One day, I'm going to frame up all our certificates and hang them up in the living room. I know that day will come.

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